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SEO Best Practices to Improve Rank in Search Engines

There is stiff competition on search engines, and therefore getting a top ranking is crucial for driving traffic, which in turn increases your online presence. At SS TECH SERVICES, SEO services are regarded as strategic processes because they do not take place once and for all. This is why it is even more important to follow basic SEO Best Practices. In this article, we discuss the crucial SEO Best Practices that will help in growing and promoting your website in no time.

Analyse the Keywords

SEO Best Practices

What are Keywords

SEO is not possible without accurately completing keyword research. This refers to finding out what search terms and keywords potential visitors are using in their search regarding your company. Targeting these keywords enables you to meet the needs of your audience and hence increases your ranking possibilities.

Tools for Keyword Research

SS TECH SERVICES uses Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs among other tools to get keywords of interest. Target key phrases which have average search volume and moderate competition. Less competitive and more specific key phrases called long-tail keywords. It can also help generate a measured traffic and increase your ranking chances.

Positioning of Keywords

When identifying or discovering keywords, make sure to place them in the most appropriate parts of the website. Such as title tag, meta descriptions, headers and all through the content. Avoid overusing a keyword since it will make the flow of information abruptly break and reduce the ingenuity of the topic.

Improve Grammar and Language Construction.

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Title Tags and Meta Descriptions.

Title tags and meta descriptions rank next in importance after all information about the content page is displayed. The primary keyword must be inserted on the title and this must also be able to describe the requirements of the page. There is a possibility that all the titles will be placed in the search results due to a norm of not going beyond. That the title of the page is set out of 50 to 60 characters.

The meta description is even though does not directly influence ranking, does affect the CTR. Prepare a new meta description that interestingly captures the eyes of the audience with relevant keywords in it and outlines the agenda of the page concisely. It should be made within 150-160 words.

Headers and Subheaders.

Use the system provided content organiser through header tags H1, H2, H3 etc. The H1 is the title of the document that will be the main page’s title while H2 and H3 will be the aura sub headers. This not only assists in enhancing the readability of the content but also helps. The search engines comprehend the order of the content that has been provided.

URL Structure

This attribute makes the user have an easier time navigating the website as well as optimising it for the search engines. The words should be separated using hyphens and the URL should contain the target keyword. Such simple URLs should be used instead of instead of

Create High-Quality, Relevant Content

Focus on User Persona.

High quality content creation cannot be reduced to mere inclusion of the important words. Attempt to analyse the whys of users searching for certain information and build your target information so that it is really valuable. It turns out, content should answer questions of the users, help them solve problems and give them practical information.

Content Length and Depth

There are instances whereby lengthy articles usually rank highly on search engines since they effectively answer most of the questions asked by the users. Where possible prefer to cover a more in-depth insight of the said topic in preferably a 1,000 – 2,000 word article. While still maintaining the attention of the audience of our content.

Use of Multimedia

It is also essential to consider and use images, video, charts or graphs to make the website more interesting to the user. Description of the images using relevant file names according to the image content or alt text. Also assists search engines and makes the site more usable.

Enhancing Usability and Satisfaction of Visitors

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Responsive Design

Keeping abreast of the fact that nearly 60% of web users access the internet via mobile devices, it becomes imperative for your site to be accessible and simple on the respective devices. Make certain that your website utilises responsive design in order to cater for various devices and screen sizes.

Loading Speed

It has been said time and again that page loading speed is a factor that is critical in the realm of user experience and for search engines. Pages that are slow to respond increase the bounce rate and even reduce the ranking. Tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights will help in dissecting your website and advancing further instructions. Such as image optimization and reducing JavaScript usage.

Organisational Structure and Menu Placement

An organised website that is easy to navigate increases the satisfaction of the visitors and also makes it easier for search engine spiders to crawl and index the site content. Make use of relevant categories with proper navigation menus in place.

Technical SEO Services

Acquire Quality Links

Functions of Backlinks

Also referred to as inbound links, backlinks are crucial for any website, and most search engines value this as an important factor even in the SEO ranking. There are important factors that sites consider in deciding the strategies for building backlinks, and most importantly the relevant ones. Put equal effort and energy into obtaining relevant and valuable inbound links from trusted and effective websites and blogs related to your fields.

How to Generate Quality Backlinks

Guest Posting: Create blog articles for site owners’ blogs to which you want to obtain a backlink. In either the text or the author box, insert a link to your website.

Content Marketing: Put forth attractive content that generates backlinks by itself. Infographics, unique studies, and thorough blogs are suitable examples.

Outreach: Implement a strategy of getting in touch with other websites and asking them to link back to you.

Getting Rid of Bad Habits

Do not do things that will be counterproductive such as employing black-hat tactics in SEO such as backlinks purchasing, link exchange and many more. These things lead to these consequences and more.

Emphasise Technical SEO

XML Sitemaps

An XML sitemap is essential in assisting search engines in knowing how the pages of the site are arranged and ensuring that no one page is left uncrawled. For effective crawling and indexing, this sitemap should be uploaded to google search console amongst other search engines.

Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is designed to convey which pages or sections of any particular website should not be read by search engines. Ensure this is properly done to avoid the omission of desired materials by mistake.

Correcting Crawl Errors

There should be a continuous monitoring and correcting of crawl errors like, issues which are caused due to broken links. Sites and their links, 404 errors, server errors and more having a negative effect on optimum crawling and website use.

Surveillance of Results and Performance of the Website

Employing Analytical Tools

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There should also be a consistent check of the performance of your website with the help of various analytical and monitoring websites such as Google Analytics, Google Webmaster tools, etc. You may need to measure how much organic traffic you receive, how many visitors leave the page without doing anything (the bounce rate), and how many visitors complete the desirable action (the conversions), etc.

Review and Enhancement

SEO should never be perceived as a project with a definite deadline. It is always a work in progress. Examine the performance information in order to determine exactly what should be changed or done better, and act based on the findings. Follow all the new trends in search engine optimization and new variations in optimization techniques in order not to be out of use in a modern world.


It is very important to follow the SEO Best Practices to enhance the visibility and performance of the site as well as obtain more organic traffic. To illustrate, one can perform such activities as thorough keyword analysis, on-page optimization. Quality content production, and user experience enhancement to achieve the desired results. On top of that, increasing the quality of backlinks to your site. Making good use of technical SEO and tracking both off-site and on-site activities. It will still place you in a very good position in the highly competitive market.

Since our incorporation, SS TECH SERVICES has been helping its clients to effectively implement. A variety of SEO strategies which will naturally result in improving the clients’ website listings. As in any other area, SEO is also influenced by trends and it is necessary to keep track of them together with the development of the algorithms. If those practices are kept in every organisation performing SEO, better results. In terms of positions, traffic, and audience size, will be noticed.

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